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hot place 〔美俚〕地獄。

hot plate

From an elevation of 1000 meters at the north end of the valley , the land slopes down steadily and for 70 miles the floor is below sea level , reaching a low point of - 86 meters at badwater , the lowest point in the western hemisphere and is considered to be one of the hottest places in the world during the summer season . every year between november and april , the weather is perhaps the most suitable for travelers 是日參觀美國面積最大的火焰谷死谷國家公園,包括公園內景色瑰麗的拉培斯基山丘zabreski point ,與全美國最低點的壞水區bad water ,此處低于海平面282尺,雖是全球最熱地區之一,每年十一月至來年四月天氣清涼,為旅游最佳季節。

Even without these man made sources of radiation , exposed to natural background radiation . the rocks and soil of the earth s crust contain variable amounts of natural radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium . this varies with geography - for example the hottest places in britain are cornwall and around aberdeen 就算排除人為輻射,人類會在天然環境中接觸到本底輻射,如地球外殼的巖石和泥土含有份量不同的輻射元素如鈾和釷,而份量視乎地理位置,如英國的康瓦爾和阿伯丁郡最為熱點。

However , the taste of the vegetables of kunming has a little to be partial to salty and hot , for those tastes in hunan and sichuan are heavy to like to eat the hot place to say is nothing , but the people in the region of jiangzhe whose the taste simple elegance be partial to the sweet may have a little to adapt not too , adopt the customs of the natives , otherwise so much delicious thing is not edible , it is too pity 最值得一提的是,昆明的山珍在全國都很有名,山珍中的野生菌類,更是百吃不厭。不過,昆明菜的口味有點偏咸偏辣,對于四川湖南那些口味重喜歡吃辣的地方來說算不了什么,而江浙一帶口味清淡偏甜的人可能有點不太適應了,入鄉隨俗吧,否則那么多好吃的東西不能吃,就太遺憾了。

In recent years , mars become the hottest place for planetary exploration , as there are so many missions conducting on mars , in some aspect , we understand mars even better than our earth 近年火星成為太空探索的一個重點,因為眾多的任務,在很多層面上,我們認識火星比地球還要多,因此在火星上的網絡使我們對這行星的認識讓我們未來人類踏足火星的夢想一步步貼近起來。

They all live in hot places , where the trick is to keep cool . being practically hairless is one way these animals deal with the heat . they use mud , dust , and water to protect their skin from sunburn 上述的3種動物都生活在天氣炎熱的地區,赤裸著身體對它們來說是一種必要的生活手段,是它們對抗酷熱天氣的方法,這使這些動物能更好地保持涼爽。

With a 5 - minute drive to gimpo airport and a 30 - minute drive to incheon international airport , the hotel is located in the hottest place connecting the city to the airport 并且到金浦機場僅需要5分鐘,到仁川國際機場僅需要30分鐘,是連接漢城和機場的要地。

On saturday , talcher , which recorded 47 degrees celsius , was the hottest place in the state , while other districts registered over 42 degrees celsius 這周六達到47攝氏度的高溫記錄的塔爾撤成為這塊洲最熱的地方,然而其他地區也有超過42攝氏度的記錄。

Traditionally three cities have been regarded as the hottest places in the country , namely chongqing , wuhan in hubei and nanjing in jiangsu 可我剛才說過,今年夏天還不算太熱,最近一連好幾個夏天可要熱得多。

Brett : that shows what you know . iceland may be chilly , but it ' s one of the hottest places in europe 布雷特:一看你知道的就不多。冰島是挺冷的,但它是歐洲最熱的地區之一。

This prestigious social event will definitely turn the hkcec to the hottest place in town 會展中心定必成為全城熱點,盛況空前。

If the world does become a hotter place , some engineers are primed to cope 如果這個世界真的變更熱,有些工程師已備妥應付之道。

Go to some of the hottest places on planet earth , and you can find a sparrow 他們都是麻雀,你有想過麻雀的適應力有多大嗎?

You think you ' re in a hot place 你認為你們處境危險嗎?

And it ' s gonna take us all with it , straight down to the hot place 它會把我們全都送進煉獄

It ' s the hottest place in the whole city 這是整個城市里最帶勁的地方

The tropical area is the hottest place on the earth 熱帶地區是地球上最熱的地方。